Patrick S. Ottinger is the recipient of the 2018 Louisiana Bar Foundation’s (LBF) Curtis R. Boisfontaine Trial Advocacy Award. The award was presented on June 6, 2018, at the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Annual Meeting in Destin, Florida.
Mr. Ottinger received this award in recognition of his long-standing devotion to and excellence in trial practice and for upholding the standards of ethics and consideration for the court, litigants, and all counsel.
The award was established through an endowment to the LBF in memory of Mr. Boisfontaine, who served as president of the Louisiana State Bar Association, and of the Louisiana Association of Defense Counsel. Donations from Sessions, Fishman, Nathan & Israel, L.L.P., the Boisfontaine family and friends established the fund.
Mr. Boisfontaine was a consummate trial lawyer who, throughout his career, adhered at all times to the highest standard of the profession. He earned the enduring respect of the courts before which he practiced and the admiration of opposing counsel and litigants. This award was established in 1994 to honor Mr. Boisfontaine’s contributions and to encourage others to emulate the standard to which he adhered.
Mr. Ottinger received a plaque commemorating the award, and $1,000 has been donated in his name to a non-profit law-related program providing services in the State of Louisiana of his designation. Mr. Ottinger designated the Lafayette Bar Foundation, of which he is a director, as the recipient of this stipend.